Sometime this morning in the twilight between sleep and wake, I decided this: when I experience an event that I refer to as a "highlight of my life," I should not only blog about it but titrate out the intriguing elements so I can repeat them-often. So here I am. I have for years maintained that nothing could be better than getting together to eat with friends. (Before you protest, please note that only certain material is appropriate for the blog platform). This morning I must add one component to that aromatic elixir of friends and food: Art.
What could have been a nice little art show opening, a few supportive friends drifting in and out on their way to fulfill bigger and better Friday night plans, transformed into an evening I'll never forget. Last night, a calligraphic art exhibit, "Words," opened at Centennial Art Center in Nashville's Centennial Park. Three pieces of mine were hung (actually four, but the declined nude painting will save for later discussion) among the gorgeous works of my colleagues- not enough pieces to merit much attention, but enough for me to celebrate my recent overcoming of artist's block. Thankfully, I decided to celebrate my overcoming of more than a few difficulties of late by inviting nearly everyone I call a friend to this, my fifth art opening. The results absolutely bowled me over.
When I arrived (a moment late, as my daughter was home feverish), two friends, Christy and Jim, were already perusing the works of art. From that moment until after the show ended two hours later, I could barely catch my breath for all my friends arriving and commenting. The room seemed filled to the brim with only my own guests- a real coup-and was bubbling over with warmth and joy. Did anyone else see that, or was it just that I felt so loved? I do have pictures....
Admittedly I did not have opportunity to contemplate the works of my uber-talented calligrapher friends, but I will go back and do so another day. For now, forgive me for enjoying the sense that it was "all about me." (OK, me, and the free wine...).Terrible, this self-promotion, I know, but P.T Barnum said, "Without promotion, something terrible happens- Nothing!" So I am learning to promote my art and my writing and today am luxuriating in the love and attention of many wonderful friends as a result. Sometimes- many times- that is precisely what we need. Providing a venue for my outdoor buddies, dance partners, and FaceBook friends to co-mingle made sense; but somehow I'd overlooked the fact that many of my friends really do enjoy the art.
And there was plenty beautiful art covering the walls of the venue. From manuscript lettering to gilding to contemporary italic texts, the calligraphy displayed was lush and varied. Surrounding ourselves with beauty and inspiration moves a gathering of friends up a notch in terms of experience. Everyone is jovial, inspired. Two friends offered to buy one of my painterly works (which was commissioned, so no sale). Even better than those offers, I received heaps and gobs of soul-nourishing, ego-building compliments to my work, which is an intimate reflection of my heart and soul, joy and grief. There is nothing else so sweet as that compliment.
As the reception was wrapping up, we re-congregated at Fiest Azteca (one big shout-out to the staff) around the longest, most hyper-extended table one could possibly fit in the room. We slurped margheritas from icy pitchers of ruby red and wan green, downed basket after basket of crisp tortilla chips and bowls of chunky salsa, and relished the companionship of friends. There was talk of the huge group of paddlers meeting tomorrow at Old Hickory Lake, of baby "Snap" due in May, of a group gathering for Easter dinner, and of the poor use of grammar rampant in the U.S. Then, of course, there was talk of this and that person's desire to paint, write, draw, or photograph, peppered with the assumption that one is either born with talent, or without. I disagree, by the way. Everyone- to my house for art therapy! A joyous throng- that's how I can best describe our group last night. Therefore I postulate: Friends+art+food must = wonderment, joy, love, life.
Forty. That's how many years it took for me to really "get" friendship. Regrettable. I grew up painfully shy, then overcame it. But it still took years for me to understand that friends come in many different packages and have different roles in our lives, that no one ever really completely "gets" us, and that, while it is up to us to love ourselves, friends make life so full and beautiful.
Like the works of art at last night's reception, every friend I have is a unique work, a beautiful expression of his or her experiences, and possessing a nuance of life and love that noone else does. I'm grateful for each person who took the time to come out to "Words" whether in support of me or to be seen or to be inspired by art or to catch up or just for the free plastic cup of wine (you know who you are). I still carry the scent of the perfume of each person with whom I came into contact last night. It would be assenine of me to lump my friends together as "the group," although together we made a sumptuous and fragrant bouqet. So I would like to take time to thank each of you as I would write in your school yearbooks since we don't have those at our age:
Kurt A.: What a true friend. Thanks for getting us all together! It was amazing, thanks to you. Your encouragement goes a very long way.
Ginger: My best girl, you are a wonder in all ways. Sweet, Loyal, full of integrity, intellect and wisdom, and a heck of alot of fun! Thank God our senses of humor match so we have an outlet in each other :-) You have the best laugh in Nashvegas. Snap is so lucky!
Christy O': You are a delight. Always smiling and encouraging. I've never heard a negative thing from you!
Jim: You are everywhere! You make me smile. When will you dnce with me?
J.C. Jones:My favorite EVER cajun, contra and waltz dance partner; looking forward to next Saturday night! Thanks for stopping by.
Bryan & Mary Laurens: I love you two! But I love Zim and 'Liza more...JK. You are amazing friends and I'm grateful to have some o dem cajun cousin' raht down de street, cha! Looking forward to Easter dinner..thanks for coming out!
Chris J. T.: I can't believe you came! So glad you did. You are a kind and good soul and a real encourager; love your quick sense of humor. Here's to bluegrass and bluegill!
Michael T.: CONGRATS on finishing your e-book! You are a great friend and such a cheerleader- thank you for coming out! See you for the non-fiction writer's meetup!
Marsha B.; A true friend and kind soul. I love you! Hope you had as much fun as it seemed.
Susan N.: You're so beautiful! Smart as a whip. Thank you for all the uplifting words..they make me strong. BTW, I can neither walk a tightrope nor play the bazouki. (Are you scoring for grammar here?) When will your cover for "Nashville's Most Beautiful People" contest be out?
Chris Highfield: You never fail to uplift and challenge me spiritually, and are a wonderful example of the best sort of man. One day may you cook for me when you are not so busy...
James H: You're so sweet to come to the show! I look forward to catching up with you soon.
Jennifer G: I look forward to getting to know you- it was great to see you. Let me borrow that jacket...
Logan: Man, I LOVE your fashion sense. PLEASE teach other guys or open a shop. I love the way you look people in the eye when they speak to you. And I gotta tell ya,' your grammar is sheer perfection ;-) Glad I met you. Let's hike!
Mark A.: Another fine are the kindest soul and a true friend. You have the second best laugh in Nashvegas, and you make a great dad.
Bryan T. My GOD how does that keep happening! You're one of my closest buds yet you aren't getting invites..I'm sorry! Let me make up for it by riding in your convertible.. you know I love you! Thank you for coming to the show :-)
Ann W.: A truly inspiring artist. You're lovely and kind and supportive and..I could go on and on. Great to see you!
Jenni P.: My love! You are a shining example of friendship... and such a loyal bunny mama. How was Mindy last night?
Theresa: You're such a creative woman- thanks for your friendship! Let's do fire again soon...:-) Enjoy your new job!
Fran P.: Glad to have you as a new friend. I enjoyed hanging out with you last night and hope to hike with you soon!
Jason D.: Your sense of humor has gotten me through many days. Send on those jokes, buddy! When are you coming for your first calligraphy lesson? You have a great heart, btw.
Beth C.: You're a wonderful friend and great woman. Thanks for being there!
Jay N.: CONGRATULATIONS! You finished your masterpiece! Will this be your magnus opus? Surprise us... I want a, autographed first edition, of course. You inspire me.
Doug F.: You looked like you were having a great time last night! Thank you for coming out. See you on the next hike? I barely spoke to you..look forward to catching up.
LaRae: Please tell me the story behind your uber-cool name! You are a ray of sunshine and I'd like to spend more time with you! Only I my bike can't keep up with your bike... Thanks for coming!
Lori/ Laurie: We didn't discuss your spelling... Thanks for coming was a pleasure to hang out with you!
Susan B.: Always a happy laugh even when times are tough. We have some kindred spirit in us... You're an amazing woman and I'm glad I got to hang with you again. Looking forward to the lake tomorrow and to Rock Island later this summer!
Susan P.: What a sweet friend. Things are developing behind the scenes for you,'ll be amazed you ever worried! I can't wait to see what's next for you and know it will knock your socks off!
Steve H.: You inspire and challenge me- thank you. Congrats on your exciting gallery deal! Thanks for coming out.
Michelle O.: You're a lovely and brave globetrotter and I'm so gald you came out last night. I miss your company! Let's travel together soon.
Ingrid: You are a beacon of hope:-) Amelie is such a beautiful little pea pod- congrats! I can't believe Lelo is your mom...she's the best we've got in Nashville.
Yvonne and Frances: Your compliments were stunning. Thank you for taking the time to encourage me! London...really???
Valerie C.: A huge thank-you for being the hands and feet of the show. And for letting me down easy about the nude figure....
Dan C. My real estate agent (this begins to sound like an Oscar speech): One day we will buy that house! Thank you.
Gary W.: An inspiration on many, many levels. you are a kind heart and great man. See you on the lake..or dance floor...or trail... or flying through the air... or ziplinging....
I know I haven't covered everyone, but there were two margheritas last night and my brain's a bit foggy.
Here's to what art each of us shares in some way. Share
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